Your FREE Business Health Check

This introductory coaching session will help you in 3 areas - and it's FREE!

1. The chance to understand how 'Fantastic Coaching' can help you to focus on growth in your business. With the guidance of one of our coaches, you will get a valuable insight into what needs to change in your business by identifying what's working and what isn't!
2. You will get immediate access to two amazing INVESTIGATE tools - The Fantastic Salon Audit and The Fantastic Balanced Leadership Assessment to help both you and your coach to identify exactly where you need to put your focus to choose the best route to success.
3. A 'one to one' coaching telephone call to go through the results of the questionnaires and to answer any questions you may have. Your coach will then take you through the final tool of INVESTIGATE - The 5 Pillars Audit - which gives you a perfect visual understanding on where to focus your action to achieve the balance your business needs for success.

50% Complete

Two Step

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